Side Effects Include: retained resources >⏰>💸 improved Function

Pay Per Service Private Nurse and/or NP
FuelYourselfFit appt Available via Telephone, Skype, FT, and In Person
Pay Per Service Private Nurse and/or NP
FuelYourselfFit appt Available via Telephone, Skype, FT, and In Person
Get Started on Your Own (compliments of humans more intelligent and articulate than than our little team)
DIY'ers Urgent to Get Health Literate
Get to It Started with Ruben Meerman Australian Surfer Bloke that helps connect the dots on Health Literacy
Have you ever experienced what it feels like to FEEL GOOD in YOUR OWN SKIN?
And Slow your breathing- through pursed lips Exhale at least 2x longer than your inhale to stimulate the rest and digest (PSNS) portion of your nervous system. Start by focusing on extending your exhale-letting go of all that no longer benefits you-returning the CO2 to mother earth.
Rest a full second perhaps 3-5-7-10 seconds as is comfortable for you.
Next use your belly muscles to pull your diaphragm down to draw fresh beautiful oxygen from in through your nose tickling the thousands of nerves along your sinuses down your throat gently filling the newly available expansive space of your lungs just until you barely begin to feel full-now hold onto this gorgeous feeling allowing for maximal absorption of oxygen in to this newly expanded space-like an internal comforting embrace for at least one full second, perhaps two, and one day 3-5-10-30 seconds.
Take your time - start with Five Long n' Slow exhales one time every hour letting go of all that no longer benefits you-making more room for your next beautiful inhale warmed and humidified through your nose. Experience the beautiful sense of absorbing more fresh life enhances oxygen-nourishing every cell that makes you, you.
Elicit your innate ability to fuel your body to feel and function it's best with a cleaner safer metabolism (human combustion) of energy resulting in increased efficiency of every cell in your body uniting to best serve in helping you feel and function better regard of what challenges you, me, We.
You, Me, We around the this gorgeous marble remain united in Breath.
When You, Me, We control our breath, We Control our Everything!
Comfort inside your own skin, hmm You, Me, We can stop expending our resources on superficial things
F I N D YOUR B R E A T H You, Me, We, are stronger than You, Me, We can Imagine
Slow and Extend Your Breath
Uber wealthy controlling education in Western Medicine teach 12-20 Breaths Per Minute (BPM) is normal :( Rate may be common but not conducive for optimizing your own health and function. 12-20 keeps any Human in continuous state of moderate distress (near constant state of fight and flight.
Find your breath rate that helps you feel and function your best
When You, Me, We, control our Everything, We take back our power to expanding independent thinking.
Harness our innate ability to optimize our own health and function helps us feel and function infinitely better.
With the power of our breath we unite every cell that makes me/you the human that we are.
Invest in Yourself and Your loved-ones. Stop looking outside for the next superficial thing to give your next rush of dopamine.
Invest some TIME to Listen to and/or watch (videos on and/or Read transcripts i.e. Learning from some of the following:
Dr. Pradip Galen Foundation, Cardiologist of Integrity and Intellect FOUNDER of The Galen Foundation
James Nestor author of Breath Book
Endocrinologist Robert Lustig, Dentist Cristen Kearns and Health Policy Expert Laura Schmidt
We Are United in Breath - Every Human currently living on this Gorgeous Marble (planet Earth) possess innate ability to elicit
unity among our nearly 36 Trillion Cells that create the tissues that create the organs that function to make you, You .
We are independent private nurses that share 30 years experience of helping humans- as you may find out for yourself by investing yourself
abovehands-on Direct Nursing Care and Services for you at your home or office.
Provide 1:1 Health Coach Companion Services - Freedom can be Yours
Provide 4-6 week 1:1 Surgical Prep/Training to best prepare you & your body to heal from schedule surgical interventions
Provide 3-14 day in-home/hotel Post-surgical / operative nursing care and coaching to best help You thrive.
You have untapped innate abilities that you can elicit to actively improve everything in Your "right now."
In the Moment You can unite Your cells - create synergy inside to improve Your physical and cognitive ability
You possess what your need, but do You have the knowledge and skill, to use & enoy- to thrive in your body.
Your body is your primary residence.
Your body is where you get to breathe, live, love, procreate (enjoy sex)
Your the only ONE that can create the power to determine how well you thinking and move
Fist and Foremost, Your are Always Your most Precious Asset
The Choice is 100% Yours. Right now you are here, and while you choices may not be infinite, you can decide
Invest in learning to Genuinely In You, Your Right Now, Your Future, & Your Retirement
' so many spend the 1/2 of life stressing his/her mind & body self trying make money,
We offer 12-16 hours of 1:1 support until you achieve your goals and experience genuine results on your own.
We Cater to Individuals, Partners, Families, and Corporate Clients
Primary Teaching:
Learn to initiate Improvement - hint Unity Is Your Key
Learn to use innate functions to Engage and Unite Cells to Synergy
Learn to Improve Your Everything - FUEL YOUR BODY FIT - Help Your Everything that makes You, your Best YOU
We Are Private Nurses providing objectively-learned techniques you can keep and implement throughout your day. These techniques are substantiated by the courageous endeavors of several other humans who actively demonstrate integrity in helping others.
We Believe in Freedom: Freedom for each human individual to decide everything. We believe cognitive and physical functioning are fundamental to who you are and who you will become.
We Show You How to Harness Everything to improve your "Right Now" for yourself, your loved ones, colleagues, and team.
Want to Expand Independent Thinking? Want to Enjoy Physical Existence? Want to Increase Your Energy?
Proof Positive: We customize our approach using the scientific method for you.
Invest a Few Hundred Dollars and Some Time to learn, elicit, and enjoy the infinite benefits of initiating change in your "Right Now."
Actively Engaging Strategies to Thrive: With our program, you'll gain optimal physical and cognitive health and function.
Bonus Blast of Knowledge: Oh yes, and for those ready to learn expansive independent thinking, regardless of who or what program you participate with, you will enjoy the powerful endorphin rush that comes with learning and fueling your body's fitness.
We Help You Connect the Dots: With the help of our experts who learn about you, assess your needs, fill in knowledge gaps, and help you become health-literate.
We Believe in Being Present: Especially hands-on for those who prefer a dedicated 1:1 coach.
We Recognize We Don't Know Everything: We humbly assess the expertise of others and ask, "Help me help you," inspired by the movie Jerry Maguire (1996).
We Believe Many Humans Have the Capacity for Self-Help: So, if you are a DIYer (do-it-yourself), we provide links to help you find your specific path to health and happiness while preserving your time, money, mental and physical functionality – most of your resources – to enjoy your time in your body.
For DIYers, Check Out These Resources:
Have you Read or Listened to Metabolical WOW
Wow: Food Gate
Lustig, Robert H. Metabolical: The Lure and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition, and Health. Riverhead Books, 2021
This Food Gate lecture and several elicited many memories of physician or nurse educators who might respond to a question with:
More than care givers, we are nurses keen to human (biochemical functioning).
Great Nurses: constantly assess everything in your sphere:
you, your activities, what goes in, what comes our,The your environment, others beings in your sphere,
How We Anticipate Your Needs
Constantly Assessing (with all senses)
Pick up on subtle changes = early identification of changes
allows for early intervention
Constantly Critically thinking, analyzing, and running probabilities and evaluating and modifying as needed
Promotes optimal recovery while avoiding unnecessary complications,
Actively HELP Humans Achieve Personal & Professional Goals
Quality of Life Planning
The person you pick to serve as your medical and or mental health care power of attorney
For non-planned life-threating-situations Call 911
For everything else, call Your Private Nurse 602-299-4371
We are actively present in assisting YOU
Exhale thru lips atast twice as long as you inhale
Let go of All that no longer Benefits You
elp Yourself You with Almost Any Challenge
Want to Feel Better? Need to Refresh Right Now?
Humans Actually Helping Humans Fuel His/Her/Their Body to Optimal Health and Function
Let's Fuel Every Cell in You to Optimal Synergy
Girls, Teens, Ladies Nourish Your Body to Protect and Nourish Your Eggs
Boys, Teens, Gentlemen Nourish Your Body to Create Healthy Strong Swimming Sperm
24/7 Weekend RN live-in Health Companion Payment due 7 days prior to arrival
16/7 or 24/7 RN live-in Health Companion $5,000,00 Retainer due day of signing
Every Day Forward
Arizona & Compact States
Breathe Yourself to Optimal Health
We specialize in YOU Your love-ones,
YOU, Your Colleagues , YOU your team,
YOU and anyone important to you.
We possess and tailor our Expertise
to benefit YOU for Your Life-time
Nurse here, WE harness our Expertise
to be and do what you need
We Give Our Everything to xceed expectations
We are "Dynamic Get' it Done Girls!" & Guy
Achieve beyond Your Desired Outcome
Private Duty Nursing Expertise
You Don't Know What You Don't Know
We are the Nurse that connect with Humans
Have you thought, "If Only?"
We are Your If Only Person(s)
From right now OMG's, Oops, Wound Care & IV/Infusion, Care Coordination to 16/7 or 24/7 Private Nursing and Exemplary Human Service
"Best possible experience, benefits beyond talented Hands-on Nurses, they are like skilled-best-friend!"
How do you want feel & function ?
We can remedy and/or thrive in any situation
Enjoy mental/emotional calm/bliss before, during, & after challenges set before you
What will provide can be shared w/o royalties
24/7 Weekend RN live-in Health Companion Payment due 7 days prior to arrival
16/7 or 24/7 RN live-in Health Companion $5,000,00 Retainer due day of signing
Every Day Forward
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